GithubVideo Anomaly Detection in Examination Hall
BE-CSE (October 2022-Present)Machine Learning algorithms used to detect the behaviours in the live video and detect the abnormal patterns.
Cyber Attack Prediction
Internship Project (Aug 2022-Sep 2022)Developed using Machine Learnign algorithm, which uses previous cyber attack history data and trains the model using that dataset then Predicts the Number of possible attack for the given year.
Personal Project (Aug 2022-Sep 2022)
- A android app that acts like Old Telephone "Yellow Book" which contains contact details of the important shops, hospitals, education centers.
- Quick access to contact details.
BE-CSE (Jan 2022-Apr 2022)
- A mobile Application which has the contact number of Important sector like Hospital, education and General shops.
- It also contains the option to view Users land records and News related to new project by government for rural areas.
Quick Vehicle Complaint System
BE-CSE (Aug 2021-Mar 2022)This is a web based service, where people can register and upload complaint about a lost Vehicle and a officer is there to view the comaplaint and respond with the news about the vehicle.